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There’s something so magical about being able to design a family’s photo book year after year. This past year, I finished my second photo book for the B Family in Canada and I’m getting ready to start their third book. I’ve documented birthdays, amazing family vacations and even the birth of the fourth child.


The bond of this family is truly remarkable. They’re active, funny, kind-hearted and loving. And yes, I can tell all of this by her photos. I’ve seen silly antics, scattered legos, messy artwork and hockey games. I’ve also seen charity events and immense brotherly love.


One of the reasons I love working on their photo books, my client includes photos of their daily life but also abstract, macro and flower photography as well. This provides a tremendous amount of flexibility to the layouts and ultimately the flow of the book. In their 2013 book, I used these photographs as a full spread bleed layout. Using these layouts, I’m able to make a big impact to the start of each month with bright, vibrant photos.


I’m so thrilled to design her photo books! Beyond my love of designing, I know how much her family appreciates these family heirlooms – which adds to my excitement to design her next book!



All book photos in this post are copyright protected by Renee Bonuccelli, 2014. All Rights Reserved.