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I love homemade, flaky, hot-from-the-oven Southern Biscuits.  I think I have shared this before, but I am not much of a cook.  A couple of months after my husband and I got married, I tried to make dinner.  Not only did I screw up the ingredients making the food absolutely inedible; I also broke one of our new dishes (gift from our registry) by putting it on the stove.  After that experience, my husband suggested that he would make dinner from now on.  And he is a fabulous cook…so it all worked out for me!

But, I can bake.  Or at least I haven’t screwed up to much with baking.  I make a mean carrot cake.  Love baking the no-knead bread.  And am fabulous with scones and biscuits.

So for the February Family Meal Challenge for my Family Photo Book, I prepared biscuits.  It does not make for exciting photographs because all of the ingredients are a variation of white:  flour, butter, milk.  The key to great biscuits: keep your ingredients cold, flex your finger muscles when cutting in the butter and minimize the amount of mixing.

Here are some of the photographs from a quiet Saturday morning.  I will include the recipe and book design layouts on Thursday!