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Monthly Interview Submission

I’d love to hear from you!!! I’ve got a fun photography challenge for you, in the form of an interview.

Review the questions below then take a photo to represent your answer. Upload and provide a short description. Viola!

1 | Me and my camera
2 | My family
3 | My current photography challenge
4 | What I have time for right now
5 | What I don’t have time for right now
6 | My favorite photography subject
7 | My favorite place to photograph inside my home
8 | My favorite time to photograph
9 | My favorite blog post or photo right now
10 | What tip, trick or info helped your family photographs the most

Monthly Interview Submission

Below is a list of questions and upload links for the Book This Project monthly interview series.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph:
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.
  • Provide any text you want associated with this photograph.