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Keep All of Your Photo Book Project Ideas Organized

Tell me if you can relate to either of these?

You have a lot of motivation for a particular photo book. You get started by organizing your photos, editing and exporting a few, and find a few evenings to work on the design.  But then….life starts to get in the way. You can’t find the time to make progress on your photo book. Fast forward a few weeks, you have some time to get back to your book…..but you can’t remember where you left off.

Did you edit all of the photos? Where did you stop exporting photos? You can’t seem to remember how many pages you designed or if you started to implement some of the design features you wanted. You lose motivation to work on your project because you can’t easily jump back into the process.


You have the motivation to work on a photo book. But…..which one??? You have so many ideas swirling around in your head. Do you work on your annual book? Or your vacation book from last summer? Or finally get around to your oldest’s baby book, who now happens to be 10 years old?

You have project idea paralysis. You don’t know where to start because you’re not sure how much time you will have to finish it. Or you don’t fully want to commit to one project because you have the desire to work on a few projects at the same time yet have no way to keep yourself organized.


Either way, this video tutorial is for you! In this video, I’m sharing a free tool to keep all of your photo book projects organized. It allows you to list out all of the projects in your head and keep track of the progress so you always know where you left off when you have time to pick back up again.

Watch this video and create your own Photo Book Project Board today!

If you loved this idea and haven’t yet taken my free workshop, fresh start – a kickstart to starting your photo book project, sign up below.