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This week, my youngest, my little girl, starts kindergarten!

Two years ago, my oldest started kindergarten. As I’ve written before, it was a transition that I wasn’t too concerned with. As a baby and toddler, he always dealt with transitions like a champ. Kindergarten was a different scenario. We had a bit of a rocky start but after the first few months, he finally got the hang of navigating a larger school and making new friends. Eventually, he began to really love – and thrive – in school.

So with my youngest – I’m ready! For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about school more. We’ve walked through what will happen on the first day. We spent more time in her classroom on orientation day so she could be familiar with the room. Hopefully, all of this will help her have a great first month of kindergarten!

With the start of every school year, it’s time for First Day photos. As I’m sure you’ve also heard me mention before: I’m not great with first day and last day of school photos. I completely buckle under pressure, never have a sign and always capture awkward poses.

A couple of days ago, I took this photo during our evening walk. My daughter had to wear her backpack for practice. 😉 And even though this is not technically on the first day of school, this photo acts as my back to school photo.

Look at them. I love how this photo captures each of their personalities. My son is completely not interested and my daughter is willing to strike a pose at any moment. –ha!

In addition to the traditional back to school photo, I try to take a more symbolic photo capturing the emotion or feeling of the day. When my son started kindergarten, this photo of my daughter watching him leave was priceless.

A year later, when he left for first grade, she gazed from the sofa.

I love how even though these were taken a year apart, they both represent a similar vibe. Bittersweet and longing.

And of course, there is the obligatory portrait. I love portraits! Here are both of my kids right before they started kindergarten. Do you see any resemblance?

This year, our story will be a little different. This time, both of my kids will be heading off to elementary school together. It’s a new transition to make. I’m not sure what my first day of school photo will look like….but I’ll be there to capture it.

And all photos – traditional, symbolic and portraits – will go in my annual photo book.

I love having a record of these milestones in my kids’ lives. I love capturing cheesy photos and photos that have more emotional weight. I love being able to design a book that combines both types of photos in one place.

If you’re interested in designing a photo book that speaks directly to your photographic style – a design that enhances the photos you have and improves the photos you take – my Intro to Photo Book Design Workshop is now open.

Once your kids head off to school, your routine shifts back to a more ‘regular’ normal. It’s the perfect time to accomplish printing your photos in a book. I’d love to work directly with you this fall, to accomplish your photo book goal.

And if you have a kid(s) heading off to school this year – I hope they have a great year!

Are you looking for inspiration to print your photos? Sign up for my free mini-workshop to receive 4 lessons and insights on why you should print your photos and how you can make it a reality.