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Are you a photo hoarder?

Is it hard for you to delete photos from your library?

If so, you are not alone. As much as I love organizing and developing systems….I also love things. And quite honestly, I’m scared to throw away (or delete) items that mean – or could mean – something.

With my photos, I keep way more photos in my library than I need. Photos that I’ll never get around to editing, sharing, or printing. Why? Maybe because I hope to someday have time to carefully go through each photo and edit or use in a project. But chances are….that day will never arrive.

In my first Organize Your 2015 Photos Challenge, we placed all of our photos in one program. Whether it is iPhoto, Windows Picture Viewer, Bridge or Lightroom – the important thing is to find one program and get your 2015 photos all together. Once your photos are in one place, you know how many photos you’ve taken this year. This is your starting point. Although it’s my goal to delete photos throughout the year….it doesn’t always happen. So when it’s the end of the year, I have quite a few photos that I’ll never print or share and frankly, just don’t need sitting in my library. This is exactly our next challenge. Delete those unwanted photos.

CHALLENGE #2: Take your total number of 2015 photos and multiply by .1 (10% of your photos). This is how many photos I want you delete over the next 10 days. 

For me, I started with 9,230 photos. My goal was to delete around 900 photos. Over the last 10 days, after my kids have gone to bed, I went through Lightroom and deleted photos while watching TV with my husband. I got my library below 8,300!!! If I can do it, you can do it!!!

Now, if you want to read 10 ideas that can help you delete photos plus see some of my deleted photos this week, make sure to sign up for my emails.


Share below how many photos you want to delete over the next 10 days!