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Even though it may seem counterintuitive, if you make something really small and/or really minimal – it can heighten the experience.

Think about it, if you are in a crowded busy place, a whisper isn’t going to make much of an impact. However, if the space is cleared out, there are no distractions, a soft whisper becomes amplified and sole attention. It doesn’t have to be loud at that point because all of the focus zeros in on the very quiet voice speaking. In fact, you listen more attentively and pour your whole energy into what is being said.

The same is true with design. By stripping the page down and adding something very small, it creates laser focus directly in on the photo or small text that is included.

This concept is exhibited in this week’s photo book cover design. I added a soft color and a very small photo. Yet it speaks volumes and makes a large impact. It’s hard to not pay attention to this cover. And I love when being minimal provide maximum results.

Check it out, pin it and share it!

photo book cover design