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Are you comfortable with the photo book design process….just looking for a little more inspiration and accountability each month?

Are you looking to break that habit of waiting until December to design your photo book?

Would you like to join a group of people working on their photo book together?

The Book This Project Annual Book Accountability Group is perfect for you!

Let me become your annual book personal trainer for the year! …or you could see me as your inspiring book design leader. 😉 Either way, works for me!


Each month, you’ll receive a monthly checklist, calendar and inspiration lesson to apply to your book.

Every three months (4 times a year), we will have a 30-60 minute screen share chat to discuss your goals, progress, and questions. During these calls, we will work together to figure out the best workflow for you and I’ll check up on your progress.

Here is a sample of a recap of a monthly call:



This product is for you if you:

  • have taken my Intro or Advanced Photo Book Design Workshop
  • have designed several books on your own
  • are familiar with the book design process
  • are looking for a like-minded group to stay accountable
  • need monthly inspiration to make a photo book spectacular


This product is not for you if you:

  • have never made a photo book before
  • have questions about how to get started with your photo book
  • need advice on how to use the basic tools of the design programs


This workshop promises to be more motivational than instructional. I’ll show you how to add the right touches each month to make your annual book amazing.

The payments are $15 a month for 12 months. However, it will last for the entire 2015 calendar year. I’ll have action list items for each month, regardless of when you sign up.

Product only available until March 31, 2015.

This is perfect for anyone who wants to get organized, stay on track and not lose interest in the design process. Stacey’s mentorship kept me on track, accountable and inspired.

Pamela Cravatt