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Book This Project Questionnaire

Please fill out this form so we can customize your photo book.
  • List all members of your family...whoever you feel comfortable with listing and people who frequent your photos. And yes, you can include pets!
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  • Tell me a little about your family! What are some of your favorite activities?
  • How would you describe your style of photographs? What do you typically like to take photos of?
  • Please indicate how you would like to indicate the author of the book.
  • You can provide a statement or paragraph to introduce your photo book here or you can provide a word document when you review the draft. Introductory comments are not required.
  • Please list any particular fonts you would like me to use in your custom photo book.
    Font StyleFont ColorUse 
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  • Do you have a pinterest board of design and/or book ideas? Even if they are not specifically photo books, if you have a look that you love, let me know. I will follow your pin board!
  • Do you have any questions about the Book This Project process, books, or designs?